You may see this error message if you have logged into PokerCircle via any of our Restricted States, where we cannot allow any online cash gaming activities.
PokerCircle is restricted in the states of Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Telangana.
If you are not present in the above-mentioned states and still are getting the error message, resolve the issue by following the steps as given below -
Once the above steps are done -
You may see this error message if you have logged into PokerCircle via any of our Restricted States, where we cannot allow any online cash gaming activities.
PokerCircle is restricted in the states of Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Telangana.
If you are not present in the above-mentioned states and still are getting the error message, resolve the issue by following the steps as given below -
Once the above steps are done -
You may see this error message when we are unable to fetch your real-time location.
Here’s what you can do to continue playing Cash Games -
Note: You cannot enjoy Cash Games on PokerCircle if you are accessing the app from any of our Restricted States viz. - Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Telangana.
PokerCircle requires uninterrupted Internet access in order to play online with other players.
For a smooth experience, make sure that your device is connected to a reliable network and that your device's signal is strong. We recommend playing over Wi-Fi, or at least a solid 3G/4G connection.
If you are not able to pick/discard a card or make a move despite being connected, we recommend that you use the 'Refresh Table' option under the settings menu on the game table.
Also, for the best gaming experience, we suggest our players play on the latest version of the application. You can update your application by tapping the 'Hamburger Menu' button > 'Upgrade App'.
Please be aware that your winnings are typically credited in real-time after you leave the table, though occasional delays may occur depending on your network conditions. Nevertheless, rest assured that if you win a game, your winnings will eventually be credited to your PokerCircle account.
There are a few situations where the credited winning amount might vary:
1) In some cases, a tournament might not get fully filled, causing a change in the prize structure and resulting in a lower credited amount.
2) If you declare a win believing it to be valid, but it later turns out to be invalid, the winning amount won't be credited to your account.
For any further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via the 'Email us' button located at the bottom of the page. We're always here to help!
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